The content is at the heart of any successful learning programme. Quality content, delivered in an effective and engaging way will lead to the best results. Whether you want to refresh your existing material, develop new content or integrate 3rd party material, our content experts know what works best.
Regardless of the format – animation, video, serious games, microlearning and much more- our content team always keeps your learners in mind to develop outcome-led custom courses that align with your goals and values. Whether you’re looking to elevate your onboarding programme for new hires, addressing legal and compliance challenges or adapting your content to the newest eLearning trends, we can develop highly effective, sophisticated training courses that bring tangible business benefits and keep your learners engaged.
If you want to kickstart your training and save time and effort, our catalog of off-the-shelf, ready-to-go courses might be just what you need. We partner with the world’s best content providers to help you deliver industry standard training at the point of need.

A learning experience that is yoursOur talented team of instructional designers will work with you to develop your curriculum from the ground up and ensure it meets your learners unique business needs.
LMS compatibilityAll the content we develop in-house is SCORM compliant, which means it can be imported into any Learning Management Systems, including Moodle and Totara platforms.
Get up and learningTap into thousands of ready-to-go courses, carefully curated by leading online content providers, to get your training up and running quickly. All courses are fully compliant and will save you time and effort.
Knowledge transferWe also know that you need to be in control of your own content sometimes. We can help you take the skills in-house to maintain your content, while we’ll stay on call if you need us!

Oui, notre travail, lors du développement de contenu, consiste à nous assurer que le contenu peut être lu et tracké (suivi) dans n’importe quel LMS.
Une fois que vous saurez quelles sont les compétences et les connaissances dont vos employés ont besoin, nous serons en mesure de vous aider à trouver le contenu qui vous convient. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus sur notre catalogue de cours prêts à l’emploi.

Plate-formes Moodle ou Totara, portail de formation sur-mesure, formation, création de contenu, hébergement, support 24/7…c’est notre métier. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour discuter de votre projet.