Good learning platforms should be seamless – there when you need them; reliable, scalable and secure. At Enovation we’ve a range of hosting solutions to meet your requirements. From small businesses to large Universities, we can provide the performance you need with support that reassures.
Our hosting packages offer up to 99.9% availability and failover, with tailored storage sizes and up to 24-7 support. We also offer a suite of competitive shared hosting options that can grow as your LMS scale changes.
Talk to one of our e-learning experts to find the best price/performance hosting package for your needs and rest assured we’ll monitor your systems and keep you in the loop on patches and upgrades so you can concentrate on serving your learners not learning your servers!

Value we deliver
Super reliable Cloud-based hostingGet fast, reliable, & secure hosting for your online courses.
Scale up quickly and easilyNeed to add a few thousand learners to your LMS? No problem. There is nothing holding you back from scaling up your LMS usage.
Keeping your data private and secureEvery day, we work towards ensuring that your data remains private and secure.
Accelerate your learningLet us take care of your IT infrastructure so you can focus on your learning platform.

Chaque projet est unique et nous souhaitons vous offrir l’hébergement le plus efficace qui réponde à vos exigences et à votre budget. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus.
Nous offrons une gamme d’options d’assistance pour répondre à vos besoins – jusqu’à une surveillance 24h/24 et 7j/7 pour des configurations à haute disponibilité.

Plate-formes Moodle ou Totara, portail de formation sur-mesure, formation, création de contenu, hébergement, support 24/7…c’est notre métier. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour discuter de votre projet.